Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Good looking yummy things

Usually I'm walking around Lilydale Lake with "she-who-must-be-obeyed", but this morning I have to take number one son to pick up a car he's hoping to buy and get it to the mechanics for a check up.
So I thought I'd better get on here early and do the blog thingie.

I keep coming back to iced biscuits (I know this is a cake blog - tomorrow I promise I'll be back to cakes) and I think it's because they are small and I like miniature stuff.

Like these from Best Dressed Cookies on the central coast of NSW.

I love love love these gumball machines!

They have heaps more on their facebook page.

I'm wondering where in Australia do you buy biscuit cutters in so many different designs? 
I was in the USA one time in a small town called Cedarburg in Wisconsin and there was a shop which only sold cookie cutters (it's okay to call them cookies when referring to the USA! grin) - and it wasn't a small shop. They had all sorts of shapes and in lots of different materials - you could get plastic ones, metal ones, copper ones...

Here's a piccie of Cedarburg which is a beautifiul historic town. If you ever get the chance, go there.

Ah Google - here's the cookie cutter shop in Cedarburg:

It's called Downtown Dough and they have over 1600 cookie cutters.

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